Wapen. Des heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher nation. Der Churfürsten/ Fürsten Grauen Freihen/Rittern/Auch der merer theil Stett so zu dem Reich (in Teutschem land gelegen) gehören vnd gehört haben. Auch wie, wo vnd durch Wen, die erwölung vn[d] krönung eynes römischen Künigs vnd Keysers geschehen soll. Mit einer erclerung, zu ende dises buchs wie ein jedes wapen gefärbt oder gemalt werden sol.
[Franckfurth am Main, Cyriacus Jacob, 1545].
[86] p. : ill. ; 31 cm. (Fol.)
Signatures: +⁴, [double cross]⁶, B-E⁴, A-L⁴, a-c⁴, *⁴.
Most of the woodcut illus. have the monogram IK.
Compiled by Cyriak Jacob and prefaced by an extract from Jakob Koebel's Glaubliche Offenbarung wie vil fürtreffenlicher Reych vnd Kayserthümb auff Erdtrich gewesen.
T.p. in red and black.
Ex dono label of Joseph Frederick Burrell, dated 1983, on front pastedown.
Ex libris of Ida Schoeller on the front pastedown (the library was sold in 1921).
Cutting from a sale catalogue pasted on the back of the vellum binding.
Various notes in pencil on the back pastedown with the dates 1910 and 1911.
Inscription by an early hand on the t.p.
Vellum binding with flip edge and three single straght alum-tawed bands.
Incomplete copy: wanting ff. [cross]2 - [cross]4 and [double cross]1.
Previously DDk.3.21.
Heraldry Germany.
Jacob, Cyriacus, active 1539 - 1551 printer.
Master I.K., active 16th century - ? engraver.
Burrell, Joseph Frederick, 1909 - 1983 former owner.
Germany Frankfurt am Main.