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MS 19



Commentary on the Old Testament. Volume 3 [manuscript]

Varying form of title

Title in M.R. James catalogue: Cantor in Isaiam, Jeremiam, Danielem, xii Prophetas

Varying form of title

Title in Ker, MMBL: Petrus Cantor ; Gilbertus Autissiodorensis

Publication, distribution, etc.

England, 1175-1225.

Physical description

1 v. : ill. ; 357-360 x 237-242 mm.


Written in Latin.


Secundo folio: illegible, due to damage to the ink.


Material: membrane; Gregory's rule (FHHF). Many tears throughout, some stitched with white thread.


Format: codex.


Written space: 272-280 x 173-178 mm.


Number of leaves: vii + 280 + vi.


Accompanying material: the manuscript waste that originally served as pastedowns of this volume belongs to a codex written in England in the second half of the 14th century. Its leaves were used by Eton's binder, Williamson, in the early 17th century in this and other volumes, prompting N.R. Ker to hypothesise that they may represent the remnants of the listed item 'concordaunce of ii partes' in Eton's 1465 inventory (transcribed by James, 1921, p. 443). The other bifolium used as flyleaves belonged to a late 12th or early 13th-century biblical homily; it remains unidentified, but the running headers call it "omelia secunda" and "in genesim".


Collation: 1-2¹⁰ 3-5⁸ 6-13¹⁰ 14⁸ 15-17¹⁰ 18⁴ 19⁸ 20-27¹⁰ 28-29⁸.


Quire and leaf signatures and catchwords: None.


Page preparation: ruled in ink and plummet; pricking sometimes visible on long margin.


Mise-en-page: double columns (41-43 lines) in a set script written above the first ruled line. Biblical quotes underlined in red. Rubrication ends at f.273r. Capitulum numbers found in the commentary on Isaiah.


Decoration: decorated initials (3-18 lines) in red or green, some with pen flourishes and stylised foliage. Some guide letters are still visible. Smaller initials also in red or green. Red pen-strokes added to capitals in-text. Doodle of two felines at f.27v.


Handwriting: littera praegothica; multiple scribal hands.


Abbreviation and punctuation: use of Tironian nota; ÷ for "esse". Puncti and puncti elevati.


Correction: frequent emendations, normally added in the margin and signalled in-text by different symbols.


Marginalia, later additions: brief glosses throughout by the scribes of the main text, who also add missing text and references. Additional notes include at least two 15th-century hands (one that inserts a table of contents on f.vii verso) and many other contemporary hands. On f.vii recto: "Cantor in Esaiam et Jeremiam" in a 15th-century textualis hand.

Formatted contents note

Contents: Volume 3 of a set of 3 (ECL MSS 14, 16). ff.v, vii: end of letter E, and beginning of letter F of the Concordantiae maiores; ff.vi, vi: fragment from a homily on Genesis; ff.1r-104v: on Isaiah; ff. 105r-175v: on Jeremiah; f.176r-v: blank; ff.177r-184v: on Daniel (begins imperfectly at Daniel 6:13); ff.185r-197v: on Hosea; ff.198r-203r: on Joel; ff.203r-212v: on Amos; ff.212v-214r: on Abdias (ie. Obadiah); ff.214r-217v: on Jonas; ff.217v-225v: on Micah; ff.225v-229v: on Nahum; ff.229v-235r: on Habacuc; ff.235r-238r: on Zephanias; ff. 238r-242v: on Aggeus; ff. 242v-257v: on Zacharias; ff.257v-263v: on Malachi; f.264r-v: blank; ff.265r-280v: on Wisdom.

Citation/references note

N.R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, v. 2 (1977), pp. 639, 641-643

Citation/references note

M.R. James, A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), p. 9

Citation/references note

F. Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, nos. 2544 (cf. 6487), 6483, 6485-6, 6490-6501

Citation/references note

M.R. James, 'Chapel inventories', Etoniana, series I, p. 444


England. From volume 1 (ECL MS 14): ex libris on front pastedown, reading "Este de Quadraria liber iste [...]* Maria. Sit reus anno domini qui tibi tollat eum". It refers to the Cistercian Abbey of Quarr, Isle of Wight. [*] Both Ker's and James' suggestions for this word do not match what the UV light shows; the word remains illegible. Ker also suggests that "the blank bifolium inserted by Williamson in front of a copy of College Statutes may have been removed by him from MS 19, when he rebound it, since it bears the words 'Est de quarraria liber tuus iste Maria', s.xiv, followed by an erased line" (Ker, p.642).


Provenance: the manuscript is entered as number 8 "Item Cantor uppon Isaiae and Jeremye iii fo. pacionem" in Eton's 1465 book inventory (see James, 1921) and has been in the library ever since. Eton College crest on f. vii verso. Former ECL shelfmarks: Bk.2.6, Bl.2.7.


Early 17th-century calfskin over wood boards by Williamson of Eton in 1600-1601; repaired by R.L. Day (1960-70). Covers decorated with a "frame two bands of the Herculis-Vena [i.e. Venus] roll. The panel is divided into three compartments by two horizontal bands of the same roll. All three compartments [are] filled with a criss-cross of diagonal lines. Clasps on upper cover. Chain mark [on] low outside edge of upper cover." (Robert Birley's personal notes on Eton book bindings, II, no. 200). Spine rebacked with four raised bands and decorated with blind fillets and gilt titling over red label ("Cantor in Prophetas"). Textblock sprinkled red. Modern endpapers of undecorated laid paper.


Bible Old Testament Commentaries Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Day, R. L. binder.

Added entry--name

Quarr Abbey former owner.

Added entry--place


Language code



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