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Main entry--corporate name

England and Wales Parliament.

Uniform title

[Proceedings. 1642]


Articles and acts of Parliament: taken out of the records of the Tower, shewing how traytors have seduced the king by wicked counsell to take him from his Parliament, and to raise warre against them. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that these articles and acts be forthwith printed and published. H. Elsyng Cler. Parl. D. Com. With the Earle of Warwickes taking of great store of armes and ammunition, with money and plate in foure coale-shipps which came from the west countries towards Newcastle to ayde his Majesty against the Parliament. And also a great fight betweene the Earl of Warwicke and a great fleet of Spanyards at sea, which were comming against England, and how they were taken and dispersed by the said Earle. And likewise of a French man of warre taking of a shippe with powder and match, that was comming out of Holland to relieve the Protestants in Ireland..

Publication, distribution, etc.

London, : Printed for Theophilus Bourne., 1642..

Physical description

[2], 6 p. ; 19 cm (4to)


Annotation on Thomason copy: "Oct: 4".


Signatures: A⁴.


Includes head-piece and decorated initial.

Citation/references note

ESTC, R17001

Citation/references note

Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), A3804aA

Citation/references note

Thomason, E.119[26]


Armorial bookplate of Eton College, undated, on front pastedown.


Sammelband. 17th-century speckled calfskin over ?pasteboards. Covers decorated with double blind fillets to form a border; gilt fillet on board edges. Spine re-backed, with blind and fillets and gilt titling over red morocco label ("Petitions etc. 1641, 2 Vol. VII"). Textblock trimmed and dyed red. Endpapers of modern undecorated paper; one flyleaf at both ends of the textblock. 20th-century repairs by R.L. Day.

Copy-specific note

Bound with 100 other items.



Great Britain History Civil War, 1642-1649 Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Day, R. L. binder.

Added entry--name

England and Wales Parliament. Proceedings. 1642-10.

Added entry--title

Proceedings. 1642-10.

Added entry--place

England London.

Language code



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