Ad.2.11 - Ad.2.12
[Exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration]
The first [- third] tome of an exact chronological vindicationn and historical demonstratio of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English kings supream ecclesiastical jurisdiction ... By William Prynne ...
London : Printed for the author by Thomas Ratcliffe, to be sold by Abel Roper; Gabriel Bedell; and Edward Thomas, 1665-1668.
3v., plate ; Fo.
Previously Ac.3.19-20.
Text in Latin and English.
Wants Vol. I.
Imprints vary slightly.
Wing P3958, P4076, P4104
Ad.2.11: armorial bookplate with lion passant, surmounted by a lion holding an axe.
Ad.2.12: ms. inscription on label, reading "Fr. Edmund Anderson His Booke God Give Him".
Ad.2.11: 17th/18th century calf with Royal Arms in gold on covers (very rubbed).
Ad.2.12: 18th century blind-stamped calf.
Great Britain History To 1485.
Great Britain Constitutional history Early works to 1800.
Great Britain Church history Early works to 1800.
England London.
eng lat