Sarcophagus: Seasons and Dionysus
assigned by cataloguer
Dionysus stands in centre, supported by Pan on left accompanied by panther. Two putti stand in front of him by a krater full of grapes and a third flies to his right hand to give or take patera. Over his left shoulder appears a male, whose head seems to be a portrait. On each side stand a pair of Seasons, tall winged youths. The pair on right hold grapes to which flies a putto. At their feet are two putti and a panther, and between them reclines a female holding a cornucopia and a putto. Of the group on left, one holds basket of flowers, behind which appears a putto; other carries brace of birds and a dog stands at his feet. Between them reclines a river god.
height (actual size): 485mm
width (actual size): 763mm
width (actual size): 763mm
Villa Borghese. La facciata principale. Quattro giovanni alati &ct.
red chalk on paper
Ciferri, Bernardino (Artist)
History and association
• Montelatici (145)
• Louvre (Ma 1046)
• Charbonneaux (251)
• Louvre (Ma 1046)
• Charbonneaux (251)