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Object number


Object type



Christian sarcophagus

Title Type

assigned by cataloguer


Sampson catalogue states that Fa 3 (was Fa 2) describes: ' questa sta in una piazza contigua al Giardino di P.P. Capucini'

Other number

Fa 3 no. 116


Content (description)

In the centre is a tall narrow panel showing a dextrarum iunctio, the woman standing on left with her head covered. A man stands behind the couple facing the viewer. In the foreground between the couple stands a small figure with wings and traces of a second figure. Beneath this panel is a small panel in which two birds feed or fight in front of a shrine. A nude winged putto weeps on left, on right, another holds a palm branch. The rest of the sarcophagus on left and right, is divided across the middle. At each side of the central panels are two panels of strigil fluting, one above the other.Then on far right in the top panel a child kneels in front of a pedimented shrine at the feet of a headdless figure, who holds an open roll. In the panel below a bearded male stands to right and seems to chastise two children, one kneeling, who face right weeping. In the background a youth stands to left. In the panel at top left a child (headless) lies on a rock on right and a second child stands behind it, facing the spectator. Two headless figures stand watching in the background. In the panel below a child stands on right looking up to two males, one young, one bearded, who stand to the right. The youth holds a roll, the bearded male gestures. On right a youth stands to left in the background.
According to Schreiber, the panels show the following subjects:
top left the creation of Eve,
top right the raising of Lazarus,
bottom left apostles preaching,
and bottom right Moses striking the rocks.

Content (object)


Content (note)

See Schreibers's interpretation of the Sarcophagus


height (actual size): 481mm
width (actual size): 760mm


Campiglia Villa Ludovisi no. 116 written in ink on the back of the drawing

Inscription description

B N 116 written in pencil on the front of the drawing lower left.

Materials & techniques note

black lead pencil on paper




History and association

Previous ownership


• Schreiber, Villa Ludovisi (no.154)
image ECL-Bm.12_132-2013
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