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Object number


Object type



Sarcophagus: Seasons and genii holding roundel

Title Type

assigned by cataloguer


Bm 8. 11 and 12 are catalogued together being drawings of the same Sarcophagus


Content (description)

Two winged genii, wearing cloaks which billow behind them, fly towards the centre and support a roundel containing the portrait of a man, who holds a roll in his left hand and makes a gesture with his right. Beneath the genii recline two figures with their backs to the centre, but turning their heads to look at one another: on left lies a nymph holding a pedum and cornucopia and leaning on an urn from which water flows, on right is a bearded male who holds a staff and cornucopia and leans on the coils of a sea-monster. Each has a quiver resting against their knee. At each end of the sarcophagus a Season steps outwards and carries over his shoulder on a pole his kill from the hunt. A dog leaps up at the animals and the Season puts out a hand to prevent it reaching them.

Content (object)


Content (note)

Villa Pamfilia


height (actual size): 412mm
width (actual size): 492mm


Campiglia Villa Pamfilia Facciata a Tramontana written in ink on the back of the drawing

Inscription description

B1 written in pencil on the front of the drawing lower left.
1 A written in ink on the front of the drawing, lower right, truncated.
In the album in which the drawings are held is written in ink: No. 11/ No. 12 1A2

Materials & techniques note

black lead pencil on paper




History and association

Previous ownership


• Rossi (II; no. 455 pl. 54)
• Hanfmann, Dumbarton Oaks Season Sarcophagus
image ECL-Bm.8_11-2013
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