Mosaic fragment
assigned by cataloguer
A segment of the inner circle of the Woodchester mosaic is illustrated, showing three concentric bands, separated by bands of guilloche. In the outer band runs a floral scroll; in the next a lioness and lion move left, separated by a leafy tree; and in the inner band a peacock faces right, where there is a branch bearing three leaves.
The following is written on the front of the drawing:
Part of a Roman pavement in Mosaick work found in the Church Yard at Woodchester near Minchinghampton in Gloucestershire. The length of the whole work is 141 feet, lying for the most part six feet underground. This Pavement is composed of small bricks of an Inch cube of various colours and is said to contain great Varieties of Figures both Animal and Vegetable, but many bodies now lying Buryed upon it, it is rare to meet with any part so entire as the following piece which was Delineated and colour'd upon the Spott by R. Bradley August 2 Ann: 1722
NB. The circle A is 22 feet diameter
Part of a Roman pavement in Mosaick work found in the Church Yard at Woodchester near Minchinghampton in Gloucestershire. The length of the whole work is 141 feet, lying for the most part six feet underground. This Pavement is composed of small bricks of an Inch cube of various colours and is said to contain great Varieties of Figures both Animal and Vegetable, but many bodies now lying Buryed upon it, it is rare to meet with any part so entire as the following piece which was Delineated and colour'd upon the Spott by R. Bradley August 2 Ann: 1722
NB. The circle A is 22 feet diameter
height (actual size): 302mm
width (actual size): 250mm
width (actual size): 250mm
The inscription on the front of the drawing is fully described in Content Note as it explains the original mosaic
ink and watercolour on paper
Bradley, Richard, 1688 - 1732 (Artist)
History and association
• Rainey (At Woodchester : Rainey 163a)