Home  / ECL-Bn.13:24-2013



Object number


Object type



Painting: landscape

Title Type

assigned by cataloguer


Content (description)

A stream flows in left foreground and a man sits fishing on rocks at bottom left. On the bank of the stream on right is an irregular building, one wall of which is decorated with a draped female in relief. A sphinx lies on top of a projecting part of the entablature on left, while on right, a tripod stands on a tall column; two male statues stand on bases on far right. Over the building appears a baetyl, with a lyre attached to it. On left stands a long low building, from the ends of which project entablatures supported on columns and surmounted by panthers; there is a doorway in the centre and four large vases on the roof. Beyond this building on left is a round building, which has a row of tall thin windows near the top and an oscillum on its roof. Beyond the low building in the background is a small temple-like building. An awning hangs over the area in front of it. In the background are trees and hills. Along the lower edge is the inscription:
EM.MO ET REV.MO PNPI DNO IOANNI BAPTISTAE T(?)IAT S. CAESAREI CARD.LI SPINULAE S R E CAMERARIO Regiam Apollinis ingredi Philosophum in hac Tabula omnes mirantur, et vix aliqui sciunt Pnps Cm.me, que ab invidis Ruinis aedium Titi Vespasiani ad lucem in his lineis reviviscit tuo Tutelari numini consecrata ut usque adhuc incognita orbi terrarum prodeat Fulgentissima et in Signum debiti obsequii non par meritis, et magni operis delineamentum dedicat./ Hum.mus Ossequios.mus et Obbedien.mus/ Serv.s Franciscus Bartolus.

Content (object)



height (actual size): 164mm
width (actual size): 240mm


Materials & techniques note

copper engraving on paper




History and association

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image ECL-Bn.13_24-2013
image ECL-Bn.13_24-2013-A
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image ECL-Bn.13_24-2013 image ECL-Bn.13_24-2013-A
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