The Hall, Evans's
assigned by cataloguer
CL 14
The figures depicted include William, Sam and Annie Evans, Helen Coleridge, Miss Griffith, George and Harriet Drury, and Jane Evans
height (actual size): 400mm
width (actual size): 520mm
width (actual size): 520mm
Pencil and watercolour with gum arabic, heightened with bodycolour (sheet extended along the lower, upper left edges)
Nash, Joseph, 1808 - 1878 (Artist)
History and association
Provenance: Collection of William Evans of Eton; by whom bequeathed to his daughter, Mary Wanklyn; by whom presented to Eton College
• Wilcox, T., A Genius for Watercolour; Watercolours from the Eton College Collection, Christie's exhibition catalogue, London, 2003 (p. 21), Catalogue number: 14
• Connor, L.M., William Evans of Eton 1798-1877, exhibition catalogue, Brewhouse, Eton 1998 (p. 47), Catalogue number: 5
• Connor, L.M., William Evans of Eton 1798-1877, exhibition catalogue, Brewhouse, Eton 1998 (p. 47), Catalogue number: 5