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King Henry VI

Title Type

assigned by cataloguer


Full-length statue of a standing man, wearing robe and crown, with hands resting on a model of a chapel, beneath which is a book and plinth


'The curiously Victorian statue of the Founder in the Ante-Chapel is by John Bacon the elder... Bacon’s own account of the genesis of our ante-chapel Henry has come down to us. “ A person called one morning at thestudio, who had something of the look of a distressed clergyman seeking assistance. Bacon had a great respect for devout men and satisfaction in relieving them. He desired his visitor to be seated. The stranger sat silent a little while and then said: “Pray, Mr. Bacon, have you ever been at Rome?” He answered in the negative. “Or at Wilton to see the Antiques?” “No, sir.” “But surely you have been in Westminster Abbey?” “Surely, sir, and often.” “But I may as well walk through your rooms and look at your works. — Well, indeed — very well — excellent — and all produced too without going abroad — You have no need to go, sir! — Now, sir, you shall, if you please, make me a bust of King Henry the Sixth, and here is half the price.” (This is the bust now in College Library.) The bust was made and sent home, upon which the sculptor received a polite letter of approbation and the remainder of the price. The stranger reappeared a few weeks later. “Your bust has but one fault, sir, and that is—it ought to have been carried down to the feet. In short, I must have a full statue, to be placed in the Chapel of Eton College. For this purpose I have left a sum of money by will—but on second thoughts it had better be done while I live, and you should set about it immediately were it not your custom to have half the price paid down at giving the order and this is not quite convenient to me at present, though I think I can let you have an hundred pounds.” “Pray, sir, don’t let that be an obstacle. You have always shown yourself a man of honour. I shall leave everything to your conscience and begin the design itself.” This lover of Eton demurred a little, brought out £200, and finally fingered out the full half price. “There, that’s my way—make the statue and get the other half.” It cost £700.'

['Eton Busts' by Oliver Van Oss, Etoniana, No.123, November 29, 1969, p.359]

Other number



Content (person)


height (actual size): 2900mm
width (actual size): 890mm
depth (actual size): 720mm

Dimension note

Height including plinth


Signed and dated: 'J Bacon Sculp. MDCCLXXXVI'



Physical description

Full length statue on panelled and stepped plinth
Model on College Chapel on column




History and association

Object history note

Provenance: Commissioned for Eton College by Edward Betham (1707-1783), Fellow 1771-83, in c.1783 at a cost of £700


• Gunnis, R., Dictionary of British Scultpors 1660-1851 (p.26)
• McConnell, ed., Treasures of Eton, London, 1976 (p.27, Fig.24)
• Cole, B. ed., Eton Collections Review 2, December 2007 (Portraits of the Founder at Eton and King's, Henrietta Ryan, pp.36-50, Fig.13)
image FDA-A.150-2010FDA-A.150-2010
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