[You may please to remember, that upon some late discourses which passed between us concerning some things relating to the present establishment in our government, and of that question of hereditary or elective succession; I did then trouble you with the relation of my opinion therein, and give you such reasons and arguments as did then occur, for the establishment of both...].
38p ; 19cm. (4to).
Lacking title-page. No imprint details. Catalogued using first lines of text.
Previously: Dm.3.7.
Bound with twenty-two other items.
Armorial bookplate of Eton College.
Armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731.
Ms. note on flyleaf: "checked Feb. 1924 some entries entered to gen cat".
Ms. contents list on flyleaf.
Ms. inscription on flyleaf: "J. Patrick".
17th century brown calf; double blind fillet to form a border; four raised bands; red spine label; spine title: "Miscellany tracts".
Waddington, Edward, 1670 or 71 - 1731 former owner.