Henrici VI Angliae regis miracula postuma : ex codice musei Britannici regio 13. c. viii / edidit Paulus Grosjean.
Miracles of King Henry VI.
Bruxelles : Société des Bollandistes, 24, Bouleverd Saint-Michel, 1935.
262, 328 p. ; 25 cm.
(Subsidia hagiographica : 22)
Eton College Library bookplate.
Ms. inscription on front endpaper: "Presented by Sir Wasey Sterry".
Typed letter from Paul Grosjean to ?Wasey Sterry dated August 9, 1936 tipped in between front endpapers.
Grey cloth case-bindnig; gold stamped spine title; publisher's grey printed paper wrappers retained.
Ms. note tipped in between front endpapers.
Henry, 1421 - 1471 VI, King of England, Legends.
Great Britain Kings and rulers Religious aspects.
Grosjean, Paul editor.
Bollandists publisher.
Belgium Brussels.