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Fs.4.09(39) (Copy 1)

Additional shelfmark

Gc.7.23(06) (Copy 2)

Main entry--corporate name

England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.

Uniform title

[Proceedings. 1642-10-08]


A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament. For bringing to condigne punishment, those that have raised false and scandalous rumors against the House, how that they intend to assesse every mans pewter, and lay excizes upon other commodities. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this be forth-with printed and published. H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. As also further directions to his Excellence the Earle of Essex Generall of the army, and to the committee for his assistance in the army, appointed by both Honses [sic] of Parliament.

Publication, distribution, etc.

London, : Printed for Richard Best, October, 10. 1642.

Physical description

[8] p. ; 19 cm. (4to)


Headpieces and initial.


Title within an ornamental border.


Signatures: A⁴.

Citation/references note

Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), E2561

Citation/references note

Thomason, E.121[27]

Citation/references note

ESTC, R22184


(Copy 2) Bookplate of Eton College on the front pastedown.


(Copy 1) Tipped onto guards of 20th-century pamphlet volume; sprinkled calf half binding; light grey book cloth boards; red morocco spine label lettered in gilt "Broadsides - 1641, 1642-1643".


(Copy 2) 17th century speckled sheep; blind double fillet to form a border on covers; single gilt fillet along board edges; red stained text block edges; smooth spine with blind and gilt double fillets; red leather spine label "Petition etc. 1641,2 vol. VI"; one additional flyleaf at the beginning and the end of volume; rebacked by Richard Day.

Copy-specific note

(Copy 1) Ms. volume contents inside front cover.

Copy-specific note

(Copy 2) Bound in a volume of Civil War pamphlets with a list of volume contents on 19th/20th century Eton stationery tipped in at the front.



England and Wales.. Parliament

Added entry--name

Best, Richard publisher.

Added entry--name

Day, Richard binder.

Added entry--place

England London.


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