COLL B 09 13
Reference code
COLL B 09 13
Bursar: Godolphin
1946 - 1963
Extent & medium
2 files
Content description
Correspondence regarding trees, improvements, heating, decorations, alterations, repairs, maintenance, wall finishes, building operations, schedule of dilapidations (1954), missing items, furniture, the greenhouse at Godolphin, meetings of the Buildings Committee, meetings of the Provost and Fellows on 27 March 1954, 26 June 1954, 11 December 1954, 26 February 1955 regarding Godolphin House, Holland House, tennis courts, application for an Alms House, the bootroom, telephones, expenses, tax, materials, structural problems, fire escapes, accounts.
House Master: Fred W How (1946-1963). Dame: Miss Nora Byron.
Correspondence also involves Edward A Duley, Julian H.L. Lambart, the Provost, the Lower Master, the Bursar of Eton College and the Works Manager (Eton College Works Department).
House Master: Fred W How (1946-1963). Dame: Miss Nora Byron.
Correspondence also involves Edward A Duley, Julian H.L. Lambart, the Provost, the Lower Master, the Bursar of Eton College and the Works Manager (Eton College Works Department).
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