COLL CHAL 02 01 183
COLL CHAL 02 01 183
Chalcots, Middlesex: Memorial of building lease to Samuel Cuming, 19-24 St John's Villas
26 March 1863
2 membranes
Memorial to be enrolled in the High Court of Chancery pursuant to an Act of Parliament "An Act to enable the Provost and College of grant building leases of lands in the parishes of Hampstead and Marylebone" of a indenture of lease to Samuel Cuming of land in Hampstead, with the newly erected messuages built there, numbered 19-24 St John's Villas, Adelaide Road for 90 years at £3 10 each for 4, and £4 each for 2. Witnesses: Thomas Batcheldor, registrar of Eton College, Richard Cope, clerk to Batcheldor. Enrolled: 22 April 1863
With statement from Batcheldor over witness of signing.
With statement from Batcheldor over witness of signing.