Reference code
Upton, Berkshire: Grant of weir
8 June 1443
Content description
1. Prior and convent of Merton 2. Provost and College of Eton. Weir on the Thames in the parish of Upton called Bullocks Lock with all the fishing and waters in the river belonging to the said weir viz from the east corner of the land or close of the King called le Werde on the west side as far as the fishery called Cokkeshole on the east side; together with 4 "heytes" and all those lands, tenements, pastures, meadows with streams called Mychel Mylwardeshay millpond alias Milledam and Cowepennyng enclosed together and lying by Eton viz between the Thames on the east, the highway which leads from New Windsor to Slough on the west, between the King's land called le Werde on the south and the road which leads from Spitelbrigge to Datchet on the north and extending along the bank of the Thames from le Werde for 40 feet beyond the ground called Cowepennyng on the east. To hold in perpetuity in exchange for 100s yearly which the Abbot of Reading pays the College for lands in East Henrith, Berkshire and which rent they have been granted by the King.
Seal of Merton Priory: green wax on plaited cords
Associated material
See ECR 34/163; ECR 39/49; COLL EST UPT 13
Publication note
Ellis: Catalogue of Seals in the PRO, Vol. I M569
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