Hitcham, Buckinghamshire
The advowson of Hitcham rectory was left in 1733/4 by Rev. Thomas Evans, a Fellow of Eton from 1716, to Benjamin Archer in trust to present on the nomination of the Provost and Fellows. By 1833 the College itself appointed the trustees.
1733 - 1963
See also COLL/TD/231
For a list of Rectors, Priests in Charge and Team Vicars since 1167 see folder in office
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: Papers relating to grant of rectory, COLL LIV 07 01, (1733 - 1869)
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: Nominations to the living, COLL LIV 07 02, (1833 - 1869)
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: Letter of institution of Rev. Thomas Pulton, COLL LIV 07 03, (1 December 1784)
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: Appointments of trustees of the advowson, COLL LIV 07 04, (1901-1963)
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: An Act of Exchange of Glebe lands, COLL LIV 07 05, (1797)
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: Letters concerning exchange of lands, COLL LIV 07 06, (1850 - 1852)
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: Papers on claim of William Lane Hardisty to the living, COLL LIV 07 07, (1873)
- Hitcham, Buckinghamshire: Valuation of the house, COLL LIV 07 08, (1866)