COLL P 10 34
Reference code
COLL P 10 34
Provost Caccia: Miscellaneous correspondence
1970 - 1972
Extent & medium
1 item
Content description
/1 printing of John Saltmarsh's talk on Henry VI (Jake Carter, Provost of King's); /2 offer of drawing by Evie Hone of upper part of Chapel window (Olga Howe, Geoffrey Agnew); /3 review of the Statutes (J. Burrell); /4 article on Eton for Association France/Grand-Bretagne (Comte A. de Clermont, Jean de Courcel); /5 proposed amalgamation of livings of Hitcham and Burnham (Jack Martineau, Vice-Provost); /6 award of his Half-Mile Cup for Junior House Sides Football (Sir Hamilton Kerr); /7 dinner at Salters' Company; /8 Threepenny Day (Readers' Digest Association); /9 gift of book by Marquess of Salisbury; /10 lecture on Henry VI (J. Saltmarsh); /11 Douglas Busk's piano (Precentor); /12 identification of shields in College Hall, correct home for Fialetti's picture of Venice (Sir Anthony Wagner); /13 lectures, stag party, publication of Entente Cordiale by Jules Blondel (Sir Eugen Millington-Drake); /14 Eton-Dorney project; /15 arrival of Senator Sparkman's grandson T. Shepard at Eton (Gordon Campbell MP); /16 gift of Spencer Cup won by Ensign Formby in 1871 (G. Hamilton-Turner, Myles Formby); /17 presentation of Sir Shane Leslie's copy of memoir of Hugh Macnaghten, with letters pasted in (Lady Leslie); /18 request by Vivian Henry, temporary teacher, to meet the Queen (Martin Charteris); /19 gift of typescript (Jonathan Riley-Smith); /20 attendance at British prep. school as condition of entry (Lord Glendevon); /21 Springvale School, Rhodesia (Sir Philip Adams); /22 Savile flagon, Steeple Cup and Claverin Cup at Worplesdon (K. A. Hillard); /23 central feeding (Peter Proby); /24 Windsor Bridge; /25 1921 VIII lunching in College Hall (H. G. Babington-Smith); /26 retirement of Bursar (Peter Proby); /27 retirement of precentor (Kenneth Malcomson); /28 purchase of Natural History Museum items by Robin Gage /29 offer to purchase [Natural History] Museum items from Patrick Dixon; /30 possibility of a place for Kob Sophamongkhon; /31 omission of reference in The Chronicle to royal visit to Eton on quincentenary of Founder's death (Jake Carter); /32 gift of Norton Trophy; /33 possibility of son's entry to Eton (Peter Petrie); /34 piano for School Hall and prints of Eton (Sir Douglas Busk); /35 cost of Almshouses; /36 possible admission of Prince Mir Wais (Sir Alec Douglas-Home); /37 A. W. Whitworth appeal ( J. Charrington); /38 tennis (J. Van Alen, Mark Phillips); /39 bequest from L. Jaques; /40 article on preparatory schools by R. P. Heazell in Conference; /41 central feeding at Marlborough; /42 assistance for Etonian (James farmer) in Kyoto (John Pilcher); /43 tennis (Mark Phillips); /44 reopening of School Library and Macnaghten Library (Sir Eugen Millington-Drake); /45 reopening of School Library and Macnaghten Library (Jake Carter); /47 commissioning of John Ward to draw Sir Alec Douglas-Home (Geoffrey Agnew); /48 offer of Evie Hone window (King's Hospittal, Dublin); /49 cost of extras (Colonel J. Flint); /49 printing of Chapel Bill (Kenion Press); /50 Music Scholarships; /51 retirement of A. L. H. Carter from Peake & Co; /52 memorial service for Lord Upjohn, including copy of order of service and address (Lady Upjohn); /53 position of Rubens in Ante-Chapel (Joe Burrell, David Wills); /54 value of music scholarships; /55 arrangement of College Hall (Geoffrey Agnew); /56 Japanese mss (Kenneth Gardner); /57 Appeal, cost of Eton (Joe Burrell); /58 William Whitaker Maitland and Crimea Memorial (Sir John Maitland); /59 school fee (David Innes); /60 suggestions for possible Fellows (Henry Hely-Hutchison); /61 replacement for memorial to E. W. Stone (Reynolds Stone); /62 deposit of minute book of Eton Mission (L. Meinertzhagen); /63 appointment as Fellow (Lady Douglas-Home); /64 licence from the Bishop of Oxford for Rev. David Jones (Bishop of Oxford, Rev. David Jones); /65 Walter Scarth memorial Prize (Colonel H. W. Scarth); /66 plaster cast of Winged Victory and various arrangements (Sir Eugen Millington-Drake); /67 College Hall (Master-in-College); /68 loan of bronze of Candikesvara to British Museum (Douglas Barrett); /69 rowing lake (County Planning Officer); /70 E. W. Stone memorial (Major W. Horne, Reynolds Stone, Hugh Ryder, Vice-Provost);/71 beagles finances (Charles George); /72 changing facilities for racquets (Old Etonian Racquets and Tennis Club); /73 Busk Fund grants (Sir Douglas Busk); /74 professional fund raisers (Giles St.Aubyn); /75 place for son of Malawi High Commissioner (Head Master); /76 commemorative medals (Metalimport Co); /77 final Macnaghten dinner with presentations (Sir Eugen Millington-Drake); /78 candidate for post of Precentor (Lord Redcliffe-Maud); /79 problem housemaster; /80 place for son of Iranian ambassador (Head Master); /81 parental complaints of sloppiness (P. Johnsen); /82 help for Coutts Bank from Lord Holford (Joe Burrell); /83 acknowledgement of Eton Repointed (M. Hope); /84 advertisement for Assistant Bursar; /85 tennis and tennis courts (Mark Phillips); /86 Eton-Harrow Match; /87 Catering Committee Report; /88 work of George Brown as Chairman of Catering Committee (Donald Bousfield); /89 article on Eton in The Sydney Morning Herald; /90 disquiet at 'sickness in society' exemplified by agitation at South African cricket tour, BBC and interview of Prime Minister (Earl of Halsbury); /91 letters of thanks to Lady Caccia (Sir Hamilton Kerr, Alastair Campbell); /92 Report on Summer Timetable; /93 Special Chapel Committee; /94 Eton-Dorney Project; /95 circular on fee increase
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