COLL TD 0122
Reference code
COLL TD 0122
Eton, Buckinghamshire: Hartland Quay; Tangier Lane 030A
Other Number
Eton 202
1920 - 1984
Extent & medium
23 items
Content description
/1 William Dugald Stuart to Arthur Percival Saunders and Philip Gordon Saunders, lease of land and dwellings bounded by Tangier Lane on SW for 50 years for£5 per annum, 30 November 1920, with plan; /2 William Dugald Stuart to Arthur Percival Saunders and Philip Gordon Saunders, counterpart lease of land and dwellings bounded by Tangier Lane on SW for 50 years for £5, 30 November 1920; /3 William Dugald Stuart to Arthur Percival Saunders and Philip Gordon Saunders, sale of 31-43 Tangier Lane for £300, 29 September 1921; /4 William Dugald Stuart, declaration of possession of 31-43 Tangier Lane after death of William Stuart, 14 January 1922, with plan; /5 Arthur Percival Saunders and Philip Gordon Saunders and Thomas Joseph Cartland to Catherine Mary Ellison, sale of land on Tangier Lane for £300, 20 February 1922, with plan; /6 Arthur Percival Saunders and Philip Gordon Saunders and Thomas Joseph Cartland to Catherine Mary Ellison, conveyance of land in Tangier Lane for £300, 20 February 1922; /7 Catherine Mary Ellison and Francis Hood Fernie, William James Fernie and Michael Forbes Tweedie, mortgage of 31 formerly 25 Tangier Lane and garden ground to secure £400, 20 February 1922; /8 Catherine Mary Ellison and William James Fernie, Francis Hood Fernie and Michael Forbes Tweedie, mortgage of 31 and 32 Tangier Lane and garden land to secure £600, 30 April 1923; /9 Patrick James Murray Ellison to Katherine Paratt, sale of 31 and 32 Tangier Lane for £635, 4 June 1927; /10 Katherine Parratt and James Thomas Ireland to Alfred Bernard Goldswain, sale of land in Tangier Lane for £475, 4 June 1954; /11 Alfred Bernard Goldswain to Eton Urban District Council, mortgage of 30a Tangier Lane to secure £600, 6 July 1954; /12 Assent of 30a Tangier Lane to Ivy Millicent Goldswain after death of Alfred Bernard Goldswain, 12 June 1956; /13 Supplemental Abstract of the Title of Ivy Millicent Goldswain to 30A Tangier Lane, 1962; /14 Ivy Millicent Goldswain to Cyril Paul William Orchard and Peggy Orchard, sale of 30a Tangier Lane for £4500, 21 May 1962; /15 Ivy Millicent Goldswain, Acknowledgement allowing Cyril Paul William Orchard and Peggy Orchard to produce copies of document of title relating to 30A Tangier Lane, 21 May 1962; /16 Cyril Paul William Orchard and Peggy Orchard to Co-operative Permanent Building Society, Charge of 30a Tangier Lane to secure £3,600, 21 May 1962; /17 Cyril Paul William Orchard and Peggy Orchard to Heather Nora Hyne, Conveyance of Hartland Quay 30a Tangier Lane for £11,200, 7 October 1970; /18 Cyril Paul William Orchard and Peggy Orchard to Co-operative Permanent Building Society, further Charge of 30a Tangier Lane to secure £2500, 9 June 1970; /19 Permission granted to H. Reginald Hyne by Buckinghamshire County Council for extension to Hartlands Quay 30a Tangier Lane, 16 October 1970; /20 Halifax Building Society, Mortgage Deed detailing mortgage of Hartland Quay 30a Tangier Lane by Heather Nora Hyne, 3 December 1970; /21 Heather Nora Hyne and Giles Rowan St. Aubyn, Conveyance of Hartland Quay for £43,800, 9 March 1978; /22 Notice of permission for Giles St. Aubyn to convert wooden fence into brick wall at Hartlands Quay, Tangier Lane, 3 November 1980; /23 Land Certificate relating to 30a Tangier Lane, 31 March 1978, with plan.
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