ECR 01 044
ECR 01 044
Modbury, Devon: Admittance and Institution to John Rogger
7 March 1398
Admittance and Institution. Ralph Tregision, doctor of law, Dean of Exeter and vicar general fo Edmund the Bishop, in the latter's abesnce, to John Rogger, monk in the Monastery of St. Peter super Dyvam, admittion and instuting him to the Priory of Modbury, vacant by the resignation of John Michel, to which he has been nominated by King Richard to Sir Richard de Campo Arnulphi, Knight,lord of Modbury and patron, and presented by the latter to the Bishop. Given at Exeter 7. March, 1398.
The oath to be taken by said John:- (oath in latin)
Seal. oval, originally about red wax, on tongue, fragemntary.
The oath to be taken by said John:- (oath in latin)
Seal. oval, originally about red wax, on tongue, fragemntary.