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ECR 06 065

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ECR 06 065


Stogursey, Somerset: Indenture of lease of rents




26 June 1367

Content description

Indenture of lease for their lives in survivorship by John Gallard, prior of Stokecurci, and the monks there, to Michael Dulloc, John, his wife, and Alice, their daughter, of all rents and services which Ralph Dulloc and Margaret, his wife, used to receive for a croft they held for life lying in Monketon between the King's way which leads from Stokecurci towards Bruggewater on one side and the land of Henry Dulloc on the other, together with the reversion of the said croft on the death of the said Margaret, for a rent of 40d. Witnesses: William Colne John Bakelere William Vele Adam Mareys John Smyt and many others. Given at Stokecurci Saturday the feast of saints John and Paul martyrs 41 Edward III.

Doubled tag for Seal which is lost.
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