ECR 06 096
ECR 06 096
Stogursey, Somerset: Copy of indenture of lease of site of manor
[9 July 1527]
Copy of indenture of 9 July 1527 of lease by Roger Lupton, provost, to William Riston, of Stringston, gentleman, and Christopher Ashe, of Stokegurcey, of the site of the manor or priory of Stokegurcey with all its appurtenances, including the following rents from the following churches:- 10s from Wotton Courtney [Wootton Courtney], 7s from Samforde, 7s from Weatcantokhed [West Quantoxhead], 20 from Selworthy, 3s from Holford, and 10s yearly rent of the land late of the lord Hongerforde [Hungerford]. For twenty years. Rent £58, and 13s 4d to the steward for his fee. The provost will exonerate the lesses towards the late William Welshaw.
In a file with several other documents