ECR 06 150
ECR 06 150
Stogursey, Somerset: Return concerning presentations
13 January 1385
Return of John, bishop of Bath and Wells to the Lord Chancellor. John Drokenysford, his predecessor, conferred the said church on master John Wambrugg, clerk, 28 April 1311, at his own collation devolved through lapse of time; and on Richard Poterne, priest, 11 October 1311, at the presentation of the prior of Stokecursy. Ralph, his predecessor, conferred the same on master William de Columbrigg, 31 March 1332, at the presentation of the same; and on Richard Fitz Waryn, 29 October 1345, at the presentation of John de Stowforde, Knight; and on Laurence Fitz Waryn, of Briztlegh, 8 August 1348, at the presentation of the same; and Adam Taillour, 18 December 1349, at the presentation of the prior and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Wells. The said John conferred the same on dominus John Tyght, priest, 13 April 1384, at the presentation of the same. Given at Banewell.
Traces of the Episcopal Seal, red wax, applied.
Traces of the Episcopal Seal, red wax, applied.
Attached to ECR 06 149
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