ECR 07 133
ECR 07 133
Bledlow, Buckinghamshire: Book of receipt entries
1630 - 1652
A paper-covered book of entries of receipts by the College at Courts held at
Bledlow, 1630-1639
Everdon, 1632-1650
Weedon, 1632-1640
Tew Parva, 1630-1650
With the assessors' names that taxed the Royalty of the Manor of Bledlow, 1651-1652
Bledlow, 1630-1639
Everdon, 1632-1650
Weedon, 1632-1640
Tew Parva, 1630-1650
With the assessors' names that taxed the Royalty of the Manor of Bledlow, 1651-1652