ECR 10 003
ECR 10 003
Eton, Buckinghamshire: Grant of messuage
[1216 - 1307]
Grant by Henr. de Agmodesham [Amersham, co. Bucks] to Will. Fotestarius of Eton for 1 marc of a third part of a messuage in the vill of Eton, of the tenement late of Rad. de Aula, between a tenement late of Walt. de la Wyk, and a tenement late of Joh. Sumetarius, at a rent of 8d saving forinsec service. Witnesses: Joh. fil. Andree, Rad. Ruter, Will. de Farnham, Joh. Longus, Gilb. de la Wyk, Pet. de la Cane, Ric. Tannarius, Rog. de Eton. Temp. Henry III - Edward I.