ECR 10 079
ECR 10 079
Eton, Buckinghamshire: Grant of meadow with house
14 March 1339
Grant by John Judley (sic) [Jourdelay] to Henry Jurdeli his brother of a piece of meadow with a house, etc, in the parish of Eton, between lands of Nicholas de Melleford on the north and Edmund Sacerdos on the south, extending from the King's street on the east to le Casteldic on the west. Witnesses: dom. William de Stratton, miles, Guydo de Goldisbourgh, Nicholas de Melleford, John Kynt (sic) Joh Shappole, John Chesewyk, William Skir, John Lokeere, Richard Duke, Richard Lane, Richard Taillour, Thomas Ock. Given at Eton, Sunday before Palm Sunday, 13 Edward III.