ECR 10 184
ECR 10 184
Eton, Buckinghamshire: Lease of curtilage
23 April 1399
Lease by John Jourdelay of Eton to Laur. Prestwyk of the same of a curtilage in Eton between, a toft and curtilage of the lessee on the east and the King’s way from Eton to Maydenhide [Maidenhead] on the west and south and a garden of Thomas Lollebrok on the north, for the life of John Jurdelay of Chalfunt St Egidii [Chalfont St Giles] at a rent of 8d. Witnesses: Henry Jurdelay, Alanus Jurdelay, William Spraket, John Deyere, Henry Amareys. Given at Eton, St George 22 Richard II