ECR 10 191
ECR 10 191
Eton, Buckinghamshire: Feoffment of pasture
18 September 1400
Feoffment by John Scot and Robert Hosyer of Langele Mareys [Langley Marish, co. Bucks] to John Jourdelay, junior, to Eton of ½ acre of pasture in Eton in a croft called Conghaw between land of grantee on the south and land of Thomas Lollebrok on the north, enfeoffed to them by John Yue of Langley Marish. Witnesses: Henry Jourdelay, Alan Jourdelay, John Deyghere, William Sprakat, John Smyth, Steph. Bowyer, Henry Amoreys. Given at Eton, Saturday after Exaltation of the cross, 1 Henry IV