ECR 10 231
ECR 10 231
Eton, Buckinghamshire: Grant of messuage
16 January 1411
Grant by Alanus Jourdelay of Eton near Windsor and Cristina his wife to Nicholas Ingulf of the same and Alicia his wife of a messuage in the town between a messuage late of Edward Dodde, formerly of Thomas Chesewyk and a messuage late of John Dawe, formerly of Richard Sheparde extending from the King's street to land late of Gwydo de Goldbourgh. Witnesses: John Jourdelay, William Openore, John Hynderlynge, Richard Bocher, William Spraket, senior, Henry Smyth, Steph. Bowyere. Given at Eton, 16 January, 12 Henry IV.