ECR 10 308
ECR 10 308
Eton, Buckinghamshire: Covenant concerning sale of tenement
10 May 1455
Covenant between mag. William Westbury, provost of the royal college of St Mary of Eton and Thomas Jourdelay of Eton and Alicia his wife, concerning the sale on 5 May 33 Henry VI by said Thomas and Alicia to the King of the site of their tenement, late of Galfr. Chapeleyn, in Eton, to the use and augmentation of the college. The provost agrees to give them till the Nativity of St John the Baptist next but one following to remove their tools and utnensils, great barn and brewhouse [necessaria et imstillamentsa, magnum orrium et pandoxatorium]. Given at Eton, 10 May, 33 Henry VI.
Seal (a lion's gamb, initials d.m.)
Seal (a lion's gamb, initials d.m.)