ECR 11 023
ECR 11 023
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of booth
[13th century]
Grant by Walter Scut de Wyndlesor (Windsor) to Sutel mercenarius, for his service and 4 ½ marcs, of a booth (seuda) in the town of Windsor in the King’s market between the booth late of Henry Cocus and land late of Henry de Angmedesham at a rent of peppercorn.
Witnesses: Richard de Suhtore, Ad. Paste, Simon Pistor, Thomas Aurifaber, Rand. cissor, Ad. le Celer, Richard de Nele, Hugo clericus.
N.d. (temp Henry III - Edw I).
Seal of Walter Scut.
Witnesses: Richard de Suhtore, Ad. Paste, Simon Pistor, Thomas Aurifaber, Rand. cissor, Ad. le Celer, Richard de Nele, Hugo clericus.
N.d. (temp Henry III - Edw I).
Seal of Walter Scut.