ECR 11 067
Reference code
ECR 11 067
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of dower
[early 14th century]
Content description
Quitclaim by Margaret late the wife of Eylvin de Tegula of Windesor (Windsor), in her free widowhood, to Thomas Burnel of Windsor, for 1 marc, of her claims for dower, of all lands in Windsor given his by her husband.
Witnesses: William de Barra, John Boketot, John Somery, Richard Parvus, William de Bachus, Robert Winter, Robert Nel.
n.d. (early Edward I).
Hereabouts follow ECR 11 327 - 330
Witnesses: William de Barra, John Boketot, John Somery, Richard Parvus, William de Bachus, Robert Winter, Robert Nel.
n.d. (early Edward I).
Hereabouts follow ECR 11 327 - 330
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