ECR 11 071
Reference code
ECR 11 071
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of land
[late 13th century]
Content description
Grant by John de Tegula to Thomas Burnel, for his service and 1 marc, of 1 acre in the vill of New Wyndesor (Windsor) in the field called la Werth, viz, ½ acre 'cum forera' between land of Osb. fil. Ranulphi de la Helde, and of the grantor, and ½ acre at the head of Edmund Burnel's garden between land of grantee and Robert Wynter at a rent of 2d.
Witnesses: Ran. de la Helde, William Mere, John Tripel, William de la Barra, Richard de Coueham, Henry de Bedeford, Hugo clericus.
n.d. (temp Edward I).
Witnesses: Ran. de la Helde, William Mere, John Tripel, William de la Barra, Richard de Coueham, Henry de Bedeford, Hugo clericus.
n.d. (temp Edward I).
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