ECR 11 133
ECR 11 133
Windsor, Berkshire: Bond
4 August 1341
Bond by William Mawardyn to Ad. de le Bere in an annual rent of £10 upon all his land in New Windsor, condition of avoidance being the payment of 20s annually for six years and the restoration to Adam at the end of the term of a moiety of all the lands that belonged to John Arcand in New Windsor, Clyware (Clewer), Uptone (Upton cum Chalvey, co. Bucks) and Dachet (Datchet), which moiety desended to Dyonisia, Adam’s wife, and is leased to William without any separate deed thereof.
Witnesses: John de Fieules, miles, Thomas de Foxle, William Jurdan, six others.
Dat. New Windsor 4 August, 15 Edward III (1341).
Here comes ECR 12 484.
Witnesses: John de Fieules, miles, Thomas de Foxle, William Jurdan, six others.
Dat. New Windsor 4 August, 15 Edward III (1341).
Here comes ECR 12 484.