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ECR 11 181

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ECR 11 181


Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of booth




20 July 1397

Content description

Quitclaim by John Pallyng to John Place of a booth (seuda) and curtilage in New Windsor, viz. the booth opposite the castle between booths late of John Godefray and John Hertele, extending from land of Robert Hertele to the King's market, and the curtilage between tenements late of John Openore and Rad. Badde extending from the King's way called Gropecontelane to the King's way leading to land where the King's stable formerly was.
Witnesses: John Lausel, seneschallus gilde mercatorie of Windsor, John Brouun, Thomas Mulleward, bailiffs, two others.
Dat. Windsor, Friday St Margaret 21 Richard II.
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