ECR 11 211
Reference code
ECR 11 211
Windsor, Berkshire: Demise of close
3 April 1452
Content description
Demise by Nicholas Sturgeon, clerk, Thomas Rykes, citizen and mercer of London and Sibilla his wife, late wife of John Thorley, esquire, deceased, to the King, of a close or field called Miledenallis in New Windsor parish, between Windsor forest on the west a lane leading along the park fence on the east, lands of John Avelyn and John Bythewode on the south, and a tenement called le Mote on the north, which late belonged to Nicholas Sy and was granted to Nicholas Sturgeon and Sibilla by John Clere, Richard Colewelle and William Sherman by the name of all the lands in Windsor which they, with Thomas Foxle, John Goyfere, capellanus, and Rad. Chippes deceased, held by feoffment of Richard Jurdan of New Windsor and John Westwode of Ocle.
Witnesses: Nicholas Walton, Richard Brunne, Roger Wayte, four others.
Dat. New Windsor, 3 April, 30 Henry VI (1452).
ECR 13 794
Witnesses: Nicholas Walton, Richard Brunne, Roger Wayte, four others.
Dat. New Windsor, 3 April, 30 Henry VI (1452).
ECR 13 794
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