ECR 11 256
ECR 11 256
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of half messuage
[13th century]
Grant by Wymarc, filia Willelmi Kybe de Windes. (Windsor) to Thomas Bernel, for his service and 15s, of two parts of a half messuage in the vill of Windsor in Pescrofte between land of the grantor and a messuage late of Cecilia de Fonte which she held of the abbot of Abingdon, at a rent of 10d.
Witnesses: Gileb. de Tegula tunc balliuus, Eilwinus his brother, Fordwynus, John his son, Thomas de la Bare, Walter Colling, Roger Vintdeners, Robert Marescallus, Alex. de Broc.
n.d (temp Henry III)
About her comes ECR 11 007
Witnesses: Gileb. de Tegula tunc balliuus, Eilwinus his brother, Fordwynus, John his son, Thomas de la Bare, Walter Colling, Roger Vintdeners, Robert Marescallus, Alex. de Broc.
n.d (temp Henry III)
About her comes ECR 11 007