ECR 11 279
ECR 11 279
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of land
[13th century]
Grant by Elizabet filia Roberti de Sawes, in her 'libera de ligea potestas' to Thomas Bernel, for his service and 11s of a half acre in the vill of Windsor, Subhora, next land of Richard de la Lane, at a rent of 3½d, saving forinsec service.
Witnesses: Gileb. de Tegula, Eilwinus his brother, Richard de Suthora, Richard de la Lane, William Nel, Ste. Aurifaber, Rad. clericus, John de Wautort, Alex. de Broc.
n.d. (temp Henry III).
Witnesses: Gileb. de Tegula, Eilwinus his brother, Richard de Suthora, Richard de la Lane, William Nel, Ste. Aurifaber, Rad. clericus, John de Wautort, Alex. de Broc.
n.d. (temp Henry III).