ECR 11 286
ECR 11 286
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of land
[13th century]
Grant by Eilwinus de Tegula to Thomas Burnel, for his service and 4½ marcs, of a piece of land in the vill of Windsor of the fee of Henry de Pinkeni, de Suzhore, between the path from Old Windsor to the hyde of the abbot of Reading extending from land late of Robert Godefray on the north to land late of the same on the south, at a rent to grantor of 1½d and 12d to the heirs of henry de Pinkeni.
Witnesses: Aled de Tegula, Richard de Sushore, Robert de la More, Robert Leiofne de Sawes, Osb. his brother, Rad. Holebode, William de Tegula, Gileb. de Grangea, Robert de Agua.
n.d. (temp Henry III).
Witnesses: Aled de Tegula, Richard de Sushore, Robert de la More, Robert Leiofne de Sawes, Osb. his brother, Rad. Holebode, William de Tegula, Gileb. de Grangea, Robert de Agua.
n.d. (temp Henry III).