ECR 11 346
ECR 11 346
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of rent
21 February 1298
Grant by Richard Gerald of New Windsor and Nicholaa his wife to Edmund Burnel of New Windsor, for his service, of a rent of 8d which William Fordwine used to pay for a tenement in Windsor, between a messuage of Hamo de Camera and a piece of land late of said William.
Witnesses: Thomas Burnel, John Maurdy, Peter Ingelard, William de Barra, Richard Fouel, Henry de Bedeford, John Golde, Nicholas de la Penne.
Dat. New Windsor, Friday vigil of St Peter in Cath. 26 Edward (I).
Witnesses: Thomas Burnel, John Maurdy, Peter Ingelard, William de Barra, Richard Fouel, Henry de Bedeford, John Golde, Nicholas de la Penne.
Dat. New Windsor, Friday vigil of St Peter in Cath. 26 Edward (I).