ECR 11 380
ECR 11 380
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of land
2 August 1310
Quitclaim by Beatrix, late the wife of Hugo atte Gate of New Windsor, in her free widowhood, to Richard de Horesulle and Johanna his wife, of a third part of two aces, whereof she had dower at death of said Hugh in Old Windsor at le Rowehull.
Witnesses: Alex. le Peyntur, William de Camera, Roger le Parreker, Roger de Grangia, Tegula.
Dat. New Windsor Sunday morrow of St Peter ad Vincula 4 Edward II.
Witnesses: Alex. le Peyntur, William de Camera, Roger le Parreker, Roger de Grangia, Tegula.
Dat. New Windsor Sunday morrow of St Peter ad Vincula 4 Edward II.