ECR 11 389
ECR 11 389
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of rent
5 March 1312
Quitclaim by Anastacia filia Stephani le Spicer of New Windsor to William fil Thome Paste of the same, of a rent of 23d which grantee used to pay to John Euegyn her late father for a booth (seuda) in Puscroftestrete, between land late of Thomas Burnel and land of Robert Paiard.
Witnesses: Alex. le Peyntour, William atte Barr, John de Bedeford, two others.
Dat. New Windsor Sunday on which Laetare Jerusalem is sung 5 Edward II.
Witnesses: Alex. le Peyntour, William atte Barr, John de Bedeford, two others.
Dat. New Windsor Sunday on which Laetare Jerusalem is sung 5 Edward II.