ECR 11 391
ECR 11 391
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of land
[7 October 1312]
Grant by John in the Lane of New Windsor to Cristina his daughter, for her service, of a moiety of a piece of land in New Windsor and 3 acres 3 roods of land in the same vill, the said piece lying on le Mechelhulle in the field of Underore between land of Alicia in the Lane and the path from Windsor to Datchet, extending from land late of Robert de Horsulle to Pukeland, 2 acre in the same field in the cultura called hagelderne, between land of William de Fele and Hugo Morise, extending from land of Robert le Plomer to land late of Richard Est, 1 acre in the same field at the cultura called le Rude, between lands of William de Fellee and Robert Punchun, extending from land of Oliver de Burdeaux to land of said Alice in the Lane, 3 roods in the high field between lands of said Alice and William Underore extending from la More to land of said Oliver; also 5s (rents) in New Windsor; to hold in tail, remainder to Walter de Arderne for life.
Witnesses: William Underore, Matthew Gerald, Henry le Plomer, William de la Barre, three others.
Dat. New Windsor, Sunday morrow of St Faith 6 Edward II (sic but 7 October 1312 was a Saturday).
Witnesses: William Underore, Matthew Gerald, Henry le Plomer, William de la Barre, three others.
Dat. New Windsor, Sunday morrow of St Faith 6 Edward II (sic but 7 October 1312 was a Saturday).