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ECR 11 409

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ECR 11 409


Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of booths




27 April 1317

Content description

Grant by John Dolfyn and Petronilla, his wife, of New Windsor to Richard Daleron and Edith, his wife, of two booths with a curtilage in New Windsor between the land of the grantors and the King's street called Newestrete, extending one end onto the King's way with a breadth there of 24 feet and the other onto the land of John Jurdan with a breadth of 14 fee.
Witnesses: Edmund de Brumptone, Richard Cutel, Henry le Plomer, John Jurdan, John Godefrey, Nicholas de Felleye, Richard de Horesull and others.
Given at Windsor Wednesday before the feast of the apostles Philip and James 10 Edward II.
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