ECR 11 446
ECR 11 446
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of rent
2 November 1331
Quitclaim by Hamo de Trienge and Alice, his wife, to John Est, of New Windsor, of all their right in 5d yearly quit rent which they used to receive on half an acre of land, late of John in the Lane, of Windsor, lying in Underorefelde between the land of the said John Est and that of William Poterel, next to le Hul.
Witnesses: John Godefrey, Richard Horesulle, Richard Est, Robert Matheu, Adam le Rede and others.
Given at Underore Sunday after the feast of All Saints 5 Edward III.
Two seals (one damaged).
ECR 11 120.
Witnesses: John Godefrey, Richard Horesulle, Richard Est, Robert Matheu, Adam le Rede and others.
Given at Underore Sunday after the feast of All Saints 5 Edward III.
Two seals (one damaged).
ECR 11 120.