ECR 12 454
ECR 12 454
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of land
1 January 1334
Quitclaim by Christine, relict of Richard le Smith, of New Windsor, in her liege widowhood, to William le Mulward and Matilda, his wife, of all her right in ½ acre of land in Underore, lying in a cultura called Astworthe, between the land of Robert Est and that of Geoffrey Bullok, and extending from the land of John Est, to a meadow late of Aveline de Underore.
Witnesses: Adam le Rede, Robert Matheu, John Est, Robert Randulf, Geoffrey Bullok and others.
Given at Windsor Sunday the feast of the Circumcision 8 Edward III.
Witnesses: Adam le Rede, Robert Matheu, John Est, Robert Randulf, Geoffrey Bullok and others.
Given at Windsor Sunday the feast of the Circumcision 8 Edward III.