ECR 12 478
ECR 12 478
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of curtilage
25 November 1339
Grant by William, son of Matthew Gerald, of New Windsor, to William, son of William le Mulward, junior, of Windsor, of a curtilage with a building in Windsor lying in the street called Bysshopesstrate between a tenement of Richard Est and a curtilage late of Ricahrd Matheu, and extending from the King's way to the land of Thomas Godale.
Witnesses: John Est, Richard Est, John le Weyte, Adam le Rede, William Lyhtfot, Robert Lyhtfot, Henry Dedelere, and others.
Given at New Windsor 25 November 13 Edward III.
Fragment of seal.
Witnesses: John Est, Richard Est, John le Weyte, Adam le Rede, William Lyhtfot, Robert Lyhtfot, Henry Dedelere, and others.
Given at New Windsor 25 November 13 Edward III.
Fragment of seal.