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ECR 12 556

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ECR 12 556


Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of messuage and land




31 May 1365

Content description

Grant by Geoffrey Aston de Wyvebrugg and Isabel, his wife, to Adam Caperon, of New Windsor, of 3 parts of 2 messuages and 4 acres of land in Underore in the parish of Windsor, of which one messuage is situated between the tenement of Robert Felle and the tenement of Matilda test and between the way leading towads the mill of the abbot of Radyng and the ditch called Flotgogges, and the other messuage between the way leading towards the said mill and the land of Richard Caperon and between the land of Thomas Yslep and the land of Robert Gybbes, and one acre and a yard of land adjacent in the field called Lydecroft between the land sometime of Thomas Kylby and the land of John Smyth and between the land sometime of the said Thomas and the path called Powkelane, and ½ acre in a place called Valeye between the land of John Peyntour and Gylbert Dodelar and between the land of said Adam Capron and the land of Thomas Islep, and ½ acre in the said field called Valeye between the land of John Matthew and the land of RObert Mathew and the land of Richcard Capron and the land of Robert Felle, and ½acre in Bolloksloke between the land of John Matthew and the land of Richard Horsulle and the land of Robert Hertle and the land of the said Adam Capron, and ½ acre in the headland (furura) called Pastworthe between the land of John Mattheu on either side and the land of John Peyntour and the Thames, and ½ acre in the field called Northworthe between the land of Christine Holbode on either side and the land of Richard Capron and John Mattheu, and 1 yard in the same cultura between the land of John Mattheu and the common field called Northworth.
Witnesses: John Peyntour, Nicholas Bernard, John Smyth, Thomas Islep, Richard Capron, John Mattheu, Gilbert Dodelare and others.
Given at New Windsor in Underore on the feast of St Petronilla the virgin 39 Edward III.
Two seals.
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