ECR 20 228
ECR 20 228
Newington and Flach Marsh, Kent: Statement concerning conveyance
20 May 1595
Statement made and signed by Edward Songar, to the effect that at Mr Dryland’s request he had been present at the sealing of the conveyance between him and Mr Martin James of Howletts about 7 years ago in Mr Farmer’s house in St John Street. “Mr Dryland said to Mr James that he sold he could not tell what, and he (meaning Mr James) bought he could not tell what. And then talking further of certayne Celledge land which lay among the said lands called Howletts, he said that his father and he had said certayne money by the yere to the Colledge but what lands, or howe much the said Colledge had there be knewe not. To which speches Mr James answered, ‘Lett me alone, they shall shewe before they have any their’. Theis words or the like in effecte were then and their spoken, which Mr Dryland willed me to remember, and so hath he donne divers tymes since.”